
Rights of Inmates in the Us

Rights of Inmates in the Us

Ordinarily, what comes to your mind when you think of prison inmates? A bunch of offenders locked up in some facility where the face the cruelest human conditions as punishment? Well, all the stories of men that have tried to get themselves imprisoned intentionally should make you have a rethink. At some point, some persons have figured out that life is better.. Continue Reading

The Differences Between Private and Public Prisons in the Us

The Differences Between Private and Public Prisons in the Us

The United States ranks as the country with the most inmates, boasting of over 2.4 million inmates, which amounts to over 600,000 more inmates than there are in the runner-up country China. That’s a whole lot of number for the government to handle in her prisons, and similar situations were what led the government to opt for the privatization of the public prisons in the 1980s... Continue Reading

Common Problems Faced By Inmates In The Us Today

Common Problems Faced By Inmates In The Us Today

You’d think that being sentenced to prison should be the worst thing that can happen to an inmate; well, you are almost right. The worst that can happen to an inmate is not the sentencing, but the conditions of the prison and what they might have to endure within the walls of the prison- for a long while... Continue Reading

The Most Secure Prisons in US

The Most Secure Prisons in US

While it might be accurate to say that nothing is ever 100% secure, the fact that some systems are a hard nut to crack – and which might never get cracked – can never be ignored. Various systems such as banking, security, web, finance, prison systems... Continue Reading

5 Most Dangerous Inmates In The Us

5 Most Dangerous Inmates In The Us

Life will be a lot more interesting if all the evil criminals lurking in our neighborhoods are locked behind bars or in solitary confinement for good measure. Only then will you be able to come out, look your neighbor in the... Continue Reading

5 Famous Prison Escapes In The United States

5 Famous Prison Escapes In The United States

You know what will always make a nice evening? A cool evening, pizza, a can of beer, friends and a load of prison break movies to watch. Man, the suspense and the crazy ideations packed in such movies will glue you to your seat all night... Continue Reading

6 Weirdest Arrests In United States

6 Weirdest Arrests In United States

What are the chances that you might ever find yourself behind bars? You have probably figured everything out now, like seriously, you don’t have a drop of crime in your blood. The most that might ever get you behind bars is probably a jail sleepover for DUI... Continue Reading